Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Year of Soup and Sleep

2013, off and running! I had a great New Year's, especially what was probably the best New Year's Day in recent memory, which can happen when you let go and don't attach any expectations. There was some bubbly, there was some rocking out, but most importantly there were good people and the unfathomable joy of two toddlers playing companionably for hours. Best life.

What I'd really like to do right now is go home and eat a huge bowl of tom yum or hot and sour soup and go to bed for hours and hours, but I'm in the thick of it until evening time so I'll just buzz around the hive and get things done with visions of spicy hot broth and my pillow as the ultimate incentive. This is what being middle age is, yes? I'm all in for that sexy mess.

I hope the turn of the calendar page finds you in a similar heap of peace in your place.

Ah, this song. In the spirit of tranquility, I will continue to work toward being at peace with Scandinavians being so goddamn good at everything.

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