Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Without Love, It Ain't Much

I'm very excited because tonight is a long-awaited date night and we got a babysitter and everything. Mike got a very generous gift certificate to a neighborhood place we love (but are unable to frequent due to us not being millionaires) so we decided to just use the thing already before the romantical patio closes for the season, and we're so fixing to get down with some crazy good food and drink and adult conversation. I mean we'll probably talk about farts like always, but we won't be doing it amid doling out cheerios so that makes it adult. Plus there are no nachos on the menu and I'm planning to put on jewelry and mascara so you know this is not our typical date. Depending on how much room I leave, there could also be a baked alaska involved! Actually I don't care if there's room or not - how many baked alaskas come into your life in this day and age? It's not like it's the 1950s. I'll be sure to take a picture.

In all actuality, I'm really just looking forward to having an unbroken amount of time to spend with Mike, where he doesn't have to be doing any kind of work. Because of the choices we made to run our little family the way we do, these times are so few and far between. It's been worth it, absolutely. But Dada really deserves a break and a little decadence, and I'm happy to be along for the ride.

As an aside, never forget that Sheila E is the bomb bomb bomb.

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