Monday, November 8, 2010


We passed an uneven, but mostly really great weekend.

The good: seeing family and friends, having lots of time to enjoy HR, who is at the most fun stage yet, and wedding dress success for my sister, K! Oh yeah, and my future sister-in-law, W! They both found their dream gowns at the crazy sale on Saturday and nobody lost any major limbs. Actually it was quite pleasant and civilized. And I found myself watching strangers try on gowns and wanting to tell them how awesome they looked. OK, I did a few times. The fun was contagious. I'm still glad I never went through all that, but it was a lot better than I thought. Plus K's gown is amazing and so perfectly her - I can't wait to see her wear it in June. I had to get going before I got to see what W chose but I hear it's mighty lovely.

The not-so-good: just one thing, but it's a big one. SLEEP. Rather, NO SLEEP. HR is back to his old tricks, meaning, his pre-three-month old patterns of nighttime waking. The past three nights have been pretty dismal, and I'm chalking it up to 1) sleeping away from home; 2) having guests in our home and him getting overexcited and 3) the time change. I suspect that teething might claim some responsibility as well. Our bedtime routine is solid, so what else can I do? I'm trying to be patient and ride it out, but man, when you get a taste of good sleep it's much harder to go back to constantly interrupted snoozing. Tonight's got to be better. And if not, then tomorrow. The important thing is that he's healthy and happy on all other counts. I feel a mantra coming on here.

Becks, I picked up the No-Cry Sleep Solution on your rec, and so far it feels like a winner. Possibly only because it totally validates my parenting style, but it's all just guess work isn't it? If I find something that works I'll definitely share it.

Happy *&%$! Monday!

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