You wouldn't know it from what I usually write in here, but I'm actually a rather political person. But like most of the country right now, I'm suffering from election fatigue and I lack the energy to address the many fine points of the 2010 midterm fooferaw. It was a hateful scene all around. I'll say that I'm glad I'm a Massachusetts resident and leave it at that for the moment.
And now for the really important stuff of humanity: Halloween pictures. Saturday night we went to a kids-and-adults party and Mike and I went as Chris and Meg Griffin while HR was baby Stewie. If there were a thought bubble over his head, I'm pretty sure it would read, "Blast, vile woman!"
As an aside, do you know how hard it is to find red overalls? Very. I found this pair on etsy, and they probably won't be worn again because they are so vintage that they predate crotch snaps. No good for diaper changing. Still, is that a cute baby or what?
Cuter still:
Kvell-o-rama. My favorite part is the look on his face. Not that we did anything in this costume but visit Mike at work (I don't get people who trick-or-treat with infants or even toddlers unless they already have older children). I just had it on hand and figured it was my right as a mama to record the moment so I can humiliate him later in his life. That alone makes up for all the middle-of-the-night waking.
Love the costumes!