Monday, July 8, 2013

Giveth and Taketh

Now that was a long weekend for the books, just a-poppin' with fun and spontaneity. I got to go to the movies with my mother, which I haven't done in probably 20 years. It was a nice last minute idea, and the air conditioning alone was worth the price of admission, though I have to say the movie choice itself ("The Heat") didn't disappoint. We laughed our bums off. Melissa McCarthy deserves every bit of hype, and Sandra Bullock is a great comedic actress too. Respect. Due to this parental visit, I also got the opportunity to go out and play Sunday night trivia like the olden times. To round it out, we saw some friends, ate some foods, HR went crazy for hours playing with his buddies' water table, and spent the rest of the time being lavished with attention. It was the happiness. And there's still a stupid amount of things to be excited about on the horizon, to wit: with Paul McCartney at Fenway Park tomorrow night. This summer's roll officially continues.

The beauty, and then the sorrow: my grandmother, born the 8th of nine children, lost one of her sisters early this morning. I never got to know my great aunt all that well as we always lived far apart, but she was a sweet woman, and at 94 had a very full life. Still my heart aches for her children and grandchildren, as well as my gram. Now there are three: Gram and two older sisters, all widowed. They have each other and their own children, but it's got to be a specifically gutting feeling to reach your 80s and 90s and see your most beloved fade away, one by one. They've lived and outlived so much, so many. And I'm grateful that they're still here and in remarkably good shape. But I can't imagine how it feels to be one of those three dear women right now.

I don't have the words for an appropriate summary, and so a song.

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