Monday, April 11, 2011

Do Do Do Do Do, Do Do Do

What a beauty of a weekend! We were able to get out for walkies every day, and it was so very good for the entire E family. Plus the Red Sox started showing up to games, which is always nice.

My little baby boy is changing so fast, faster every day. He's cruising like a madman, just thisclose to taking steps on his own, and his latest adorable thing is that he gives real love-hugs to his stuffed animals. Part of me wishes I could keep him this age forever. But the other part of me that needs a full night's rest is not having that. The latest bedtime fuckery: the breaking through of a tooth. It'll always be something. We continue to roll with it. Someday it's gotta happen. Someday. He's also figured out how to bite Mama during nursing, so it's yet another incentive to get the weaning going already.

Most of the free time I had this weekend was sucked down into the black hole of my Kindle, as I can't stop reading Under the Dome. That's the double edged sword of the thing, it's perfect for travel, and is a great space saver--I'm lugging around a few ounces vs. ten pounds--but it's just not the same to huddle in bed with an e-reader. That's what I get for choosing gripping books instead of slow-movers. Oh well, I'm all in now. It really does hit close to home, maybe that's why I like it so much.

The time spent with Nik last week has really gotten me on a hits of the 1990s kick, so this week I'll be reliving some of the great hip-hop and R & B singles of my teenage years. Beginning with this little sparkler.

Just try to get through the day without that running through your head. Remember when teenage singers used to wear clothes and things? Good times.

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