Wednesday, November 28, 2012

RIF, Pals

I've been doing some reading, guys. I'm always doing some reading, but I'm on an especially happy-making roll. I recently finished Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl--a hot recommendation when I was trolling for something to read on vacation--and it was fantastic. It was twisted in just the right way, and makes me wonder why I don't read more mysteries. I will certainly check out the rest of Flynn's work. Right now I'm halfway through John Green's The Fault In Our Stars, which I can't seem to read fast enough.

I am an unapologetic John Green fangirl. In my opinion, he does everything right and I admire and envy his smarts, talent and career. And I feel he's particularly on his game with this book. He really really gets it, I mean, writing about teenagers with cancer is a daunting task, and the irreverence with which he approaches it is actually reverent. He honors the experience of those living with cancer by making his characters normal, fleshed-out humans who diseases are their roadblocks but not their defining features. They are smart and funny and rude and they have crushes and want what we all want. Fun. Love. Friends. To go to Amsterdam to meet our idols. There's no preciousness here, and though I am sure I will shed some tears before it's over, I'm in awe of what he's accomplished. Kudos, JG. My brain crush on you won't be going away any time soon.

I've also been slogging (by that I mean slowly reading, not in a bad way) through the Game of Thrones oeuvre on my kindle. And I feel like this is the year that I wrap up Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell once and for all. Fine, maybe next year as we're already a month out, but I do so enjoy it, I think I'll miss it when it's over. Next on the list: Let's Pretend This Never Happened, and probably the Mindy Kaling book via the word on the street. I'm always open to and appreciative of recommendations.

For the toddler set, we're in a major Curious George phase, but this is a recent family favorite.

It is so lovely in every way. My boy also gravitates toward any book with animals so he can turn it into "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"-- I get such a kick out of hearing him "read" to himself, but if I never hear about that goddamn farmer again it will be too soon.

And Mike's reading this, which is a good example of why he's awesome.

Of course I shall subsequently borrow it.

Not that anyone was clamoring for the current roster in the House of JBP, but unsolicited sharing seems to be my biz. Support your local independent book retailer. Thank you, goodnight.

I don't want to talk about poor Matthew Sweet because whoa, but this is a cool cover of one of my most beloved songs.

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