Monday, June 25, 2012

Pollyanna Complex

A year ago today, my sister was getting ready to be married, Kevin Youkilis still played for the Red Sox and HR was barely walking. Now the no-longer-newlyweds are celebrating their first anniversary, Youk changed his Sox from Red to White and my kid is a fully mobile imp. I wonder what a year from today will bring, but I'm just as happy that I don't have the ability to know.

This was a weekend of extremes: beautiful weather and mighty storms, chaotic togetherness and calm solitude, rocking out until late and going to bed early. In all, as close to perfect balance as it gets. And halfway through this day, I'm still marveling that once again it's all behind me. That's all part of the balance too, I suppose. You need the week to exist before you can have the week-end. Unless you're the Dowager Countess or of other independent wealth, and really wouldn't that just get dead boring after awhile? (Um, no, actually, but these little lies keep us working folk going.)

To continue in that vein, today there's a bunch of stuff in the news that's reminding me more than usual about the ways in which the world, this country, can be an ugly place. And it all angers and scares and disappoints me, but as always I react by grasping at what makes it worth holding on (it's one of my more annoying tendencies, but it's probably the me-ist thing about me, so if you are indeed annoyed by it you've probably moved on long ago). Anyway, I'm talking about what shines through in defiance of the senseless hate and tragedy and callousness and negativity, like raucous family celebrations (even though I had to miss a big one yesterday, I was there in spirit and I'll catch up with you all next month). And first anniversaries. And Youk's awesome run with the Sox (I'll miss you, buddy). And to magically growing imps and their freedom to chill out with pals in the altogether, eating ice cream like it's no thing, on the weekend and every given day.

Is there anything more symbolic of a high five from life, I mean, at least until you get to trade up to cocktails?

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