Thursday, August 26, 2010

Clearblue Anniversary

Today my brother turns 25. This is big, because my brother was sort of my first baby. We're ten years apart, so when he was born my sister and I (who was only five herself at the time, but a precocious five) got really involved in his raisin' up. This is a good or bad thing, depending on whether you like us. We've sort of left an imprint. It feels like I was just hauling him around in his little feety pajamas, but here he is turning 25 and getting ready to be married a year from October. Tomorrow it'll be HR, right?

Speaking of the bean (when am I not?) it was one year ago today that I found out I was pregnant with him. I had a feeling I was, but I wanted to wait a few days after my period was late before I took the test. I lasted exactly one day. When I woke at five a.m. to pee on the morning of that second day, I just had to find out. So I got Mike out of bed and and decided this was it, I was going to take the test. So I did. I think you can fill in the rest for yourself.

I'm taking off early today and taking a day off tomorrow so we can spend some time with Mike's family on their vacation in Rhode Island. Most of them haven't seen the baby in months and he's certainly gone through a lot of changes. I'm really looking forward to it.

Catch y'all next week!

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