Monday, April 29, 2013

A Magic Number, Part 1

Not to say that HR had a total blast on his birthday, but any shindig that results in this kind of maniacal glee must have been at least a little bit awesome.

Many thanks to our close family and friends who came out such a ridiculously beautiful day to celebrate, and to those from farther afield who sent along an embarrassment of love and good wishes. Mike, HR and I are so lucky to have these people with whom we get to share our lives. It's humbling, every day. And of course on such a special occasions it's ramped up immeasurably. The big boy got waaayyy too many wonderful presents, we all got our fill of delicious homemade pizza (with thanks to Mammy and Gram) and assorted party treats, had a delirious early-evening dance party on the patio, and this mama got the big time comedown blues after our house cleared of out-of-towners yesterday. Which means that it was the best of times. Most importantly, HR seemed to really enjoy his party and being surrounded by his loved ones. I think by the time his fourth rolls around, he'll retain a happy memory of turning three. Having a chain of these experiences, making it link by love-filled link, of all the things I want for my child in his life, this is my heart's desire for him. And we do what we can as parents to make it happen, but obviously, and thankfully, we don't do it alone.

Thank you again to our village. This is for you. A little more about the birthday boy himself, tomorrow.

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